Sunday, June 22, 2014

One Week Down

Well, a lot of stuff has transpired in my first week out here, and hopefully, a lot more will happen as the weeks progress. I haven't posted in awhile because in someway I felt like I had posted recently...I guess three posts in three days warps my sense of time. It's been awhile. I'll try and be better keeping everyone up-to-date...when there is something worthwhile to update. Let's see, since my Groundlings workshop, I changed housing situations and a friend-of-a-friend was gracious enough to let me crash in her room while she is house-sitting elsewhere. Couldn't have asked for a better situation.

Industry-wise, I've realized at this early stage that there isn't much "pounding the pavement." The internet appears to have streamlined the process. Without a manager or representation (an agent), it appears that self-promotion and the internet are the best way to submit yourself for consideration of parts.  As a result of meeting another friend-of-a-friend(s), my new friend Jill was able to steer me into a better direction that what I had been doing. I changed what websites I use, and subscribed to a few others. It's a lot like Craigslist that you pay a monthly subscription rate for. You scour pages-after-page of listings of roles that are looking to get filled (commercials, short films, tv, feature films, student films, training videos, etc.), and then you read the fine print to see what they're looking for in their casting. If I'm right for it (in my opinion), then I submit my headshot and resume for consideration.

After my Friday lunch with Jill in Beverly Hills, I subscribed to Actors Access and Backstage. Take a look at the links to see what I see. So, I stayed up "really" late that night...Hoosiers were probably waking up for their Saturdays when I was still working, and I submitted to a dozen or so projects. I went to bed, and when I woke up there was a hit for an audition opportunity. I have to check my schedule over the upcoming days, but I think I'll be able to do this audition. So, we'll see what happens, and I'll here when I have more to share about that one, or any other ones for that matter.


1 comment:

  1. Keep the post coming! Break a leg?! Good luck out there we are routing for you to become famous
